
Organize your road trips

You need adventure and escape ?

Travelaur’Agency located in Sydney organize the best road trip Australians for you. You can choose a short or a long trip, what about a trip of 4 days around the New South Wales or maybe 2 weeks in the Northern Territory ? We are testing all the road trip in Australia to make easier to choose the trip that suit you the most.

You jus have to let us know and we will do our best to provide you the best trip.

Which state do you want to explore ?

Which state will you choose

for your road trip ?

All our road trips are included :

  • A pre-designed and adjustable itinerary on request
  • Rental of a campervan or 4X4
  • Camp site accomodation ( possibility of other types on request )
  • Search for your flights departing from your choice

Price on estimate

Road trip

Western Australia

Road trip


Road trip

Nothern Territory

You want some informations about a trip ?