Check list trip : 5 things to do before the departure

Before setting off on an adventure, you have to carefully prepare your departure to be sure not to forget anything. Organizing yourself in advance will save you a lot of worries and additional costs, so be sure to check and recheck your checklist several times before you fly.

Check the expiry date of your passport

  It may sound silly, but it is important to check the expiry date of your passport before you fly, and even well before planning your trip. Indeed, some destinations require travelers that their passport remains valid for several months after their departure from the territory. The majority of countries require a passport valid for at least two months after the date of your return, but for some destinations the date can be up to six months, so it is better to plan ahead.

Take Care Of Your Travel Documents


We will certainly never say it enough but remember to print and make copies of all your travel documents!

We tend to opt for the digital convenience of telephones and keep copies of our tickets, visas, copies of vaccines on it, but you are not immune to certain airlines requiring you to have a paper proof of this document.

Whether it’s your plane ticket, your visa or your vaccinations, remember to make a copy of each of them. Apart from the airport, if a problem arrives on the spot that you lose your phone that your return flight is canceled or that you miss it, you will need paper documents to go to the administrations of the country..

Also remember to keep with you the address and the name of your first accommodation, past customs you may be asked where you will be staying during your stay and if you do not have an address this can be a problem.

Find out about your phone plan

For GPS in particular or even to communicate with hotels, locals…

Internet will be essential during your trip, so remember to ask your operator about your phone plan.

If your package does not include internet, it is still best to get a SIM card in the country of destination and suitable for the duration of your trip.

5 things to do before the departure

Check in online

Before flying to your destination, you can save time at the airport by checking in online. Nothing could be simpler, go to the airline’s website, check your personal information and click on “register” and that’s all ! You will get your boarding pass in a few minutes. A considerable time saver, especially if you don’t have any luggage to check in, so you can afford to get to the airport a little later to avoid waiting, and you will also avoid long queues at check-in.

Warning ! Some airlines, such as VOLOTEA, require online check-in, so be sure to do so in time or you risk additional charges.

Check the dimensions and contents of your luggage


These are small mistakes that can cost you dearly, so be careful.

Make sure your carry-on baggage size meets airline requirements. Beware, the “standard” sizes are not the same in all companies, even if there is not much difference, it can cost you dearly.

Whether for hand luggage or checked luggage, check everything down to the smallest detail. If you do not respect the conditions of the airline, they are entitled to charge you the supplement or even not to accept your baggage.

As with the dimensions of your luggage, check the contents of your luggage carefully.

In particular in your hand luggage, liquids must not exceed 100ml and be placed in a closed transparent pouch. No sharp objects, metal, flammable substances…

You can find all informations related to baggage directly on the company’s website.

Warning ! If you have stopovers and you go through two different airlines, take care to check the conditions of each of them before your departure, I would even say before your reservation. It would be a shame to have a 30kg bag included in your first flight and not in the second.

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