The best souvenirs to bring back from your trip


Les meilleurs souvenirs à rapporter de voyage

Going on a trip is an opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones by bringing back souvenirs, not always useful, but rather significant, it is the way to make your loved ones travel through you thanks to these small things that are so pleasing.

The useless

There are different categories of travel souvenirs, each with their own function, or not… We have all brought back these souvenirs called “useless” which still have their primary function but which have a decorative purpose, such as: key rings, magnets, mugs or printed T-shirts. These objects have clearly become must-haves in souvenir stores.

Local products

More typical souvenirs are possible with local objects and handicrafts by visiting the local markets of the country. You can easily find typical clothing or culinary specialties to share with your family and friends when you return from your trip. Beware of airline restrictions on food products.

The known but still effective ones

Seen and seen again, but how practical are these souvenirs that you bring back for yourself or your loved ones, which end up becoming collections but which we will use forever. The famous travel mug, like the country, simple and effective. For girls, a piece of jewelry is always a pleasure, with a little reminder of the color of the country it is a timeless. More cumbersome but so appreciable, a flag, although there are several formats now, the flag is the symbol of each country, there is no more local as a souvenir of travel.

The best souvenirs to bring back from a trip 

Royal traveller specials

If you are used to traveling and you can’t count the number of countries you have visited, think about yourself and why not bring back something unique and identical in each country you visit.

A bit of sand from each country to make a decorative vase (be careful though, some countries forbid bringing back sand) or shells. A pin from each destination to attach to your backpack. A postcard, to be sent or not, just the paper will always leave you a unique souvenir of your stay but why not send it directly to yourself, it will be a nice surprise when you get home, and if you are not too keen on cards, bring back a simple stamp to stick in your travel book. We rarely think of it as a souvenir but rather as an oversight: the local currency is as typical as it gets, and it usually stays on your hands so you might as well keep it preciously.

The rule to respect : buy at the end of your trip! You don’t want to be burdened with “useless” souvenirs throughout your stay.

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