Tips to travelers

The best souvenirs to bring back from your trip

The best souvenirs to bring back from your trip

Les meilleurs souvenirs à rapporter de voyageGoing on a trip is an opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones by bringing back souvenirs, not always useful, but rather significant, it is the way to make your loved ones travel through you thanks to these small...

How to choose your next destination ? 

How to choose your next destination ? 

Several factors come into play to make the right choice about your future destination...1 - En fonction du climat La première à chose à regarder lorsqu’on part en voyage c’est bien évidement la saison ! Chaque pays possède un climat qui lui est propre avec des...

Couchsurfing : things to know before doing it

Couchsurfing : things to know before doing it

Le couchsurfingCertaines applications sont très utiles quand il s’agit de se repérer à l’étranger ou encore pour trouver un service à proximité. Voici les applications primordiales à avoir dans votre téléphone lorsque vous voyagez.What is it? It is an unusual way to...

Things you must have to go on trip

Things you must have to go on trip

Going on a road trip is a unique experience, we are talking about a trip and not a vacation. The first thing to think about when talking about a road trip is to travel light!1 - Utilities It seems obvious, but this category will bring together everything that will be...

Apps to have for a trip

Apps to have for a trip

Some applications are very useful when it comes to finding your way abroad or finding a service nearby. Here are the essential applications to have in your phone when you travel. FlightRight It'happened to all of us: a canceled or delayed flight, a moment of panic! We...

Check list trip : 5 things to do before the departure

Check list trip : 5 things to do before the departure

Before setting off on an adventure, you have to carefully prepare your departure to be sure not to forget anything. Organizing yourself in advance will save you a lot of worries and additional costs, so be sure to check and recheck your checklist several times before...

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